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  “Just do your job,” I shot back. “I have to head to the police department.”

  Ram settled in at the kitchen table with a gun, a book, and a mug of coffee. He looked content, perfectly so. I hoped Damien wouldn’t show up while I was gone, but I knew Ram would give his life for Angel and her son. That was the beauty of the Skullbreakers’ brotherhood: we trusted each other. We’d do anything for each other, and this was just one of many times Ram had stepped in to save my ass. As I climbed on my bike, I felt a swell of affection for him. He was a good guy. All of my guys were good guys. But Ram in particular, well, he’d really done a lot to prove himself to me over the years.

  The wind whipped at my hair and I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation on my face. It felt like it had been ages since I’d really gotten out by myself. My whole brain was wrapped up in this shit with Angel and Damien, and I had no idea when things would finally return to any semblance of normal.

  It was funny that Angel hadn’t recognized Damien’s name. Maybe she’d really forgotten more about the past than I expected. The thought was painful, but not surprising. After all, she had a life with a kid now. How much of the past could she really remember?

  It was after dark by the time I pulled up to Centerville Police Department. I hadn’t been there in a few months. Last time Damien pulled some shit, they called me in for questioning. I’d been evasive, but honest. They’d let me go and I hadn’t heard a peep since then. But everyone in the office knew who I was: Trey Minter, leader of the Skullbreakers. The cops had been swarming a little too close for comfort ever since the shooting, and I knew I had to take action if I wanted to get them off my back. The last thing I needed to worry about was being pursued for something I didn’t even do.

  “Evening, sweetheart,” I greeted the young cop on duty. She was a slim blonde with a pert nose and sincere blue eyes. She and I had yet to really tangle — I had a feeling her superiors had warned her about me.

  “Hi,” she said, without looking up. “Can I help you?”

  I cleared my throat and she finally looked up. When she realized who I was, her cheeks flushed.

  “What can I do for you, Trey?”

  “I was hoping we could chat a little bit about that shootout with the Russians.” I flashed her a charming smile and leaned with my elbows on the counter. “After all, I might be able to help y’all out.”

  “I don’t think so,” she said curtly. “We’ve got our best and brightest on it.”

  I leaned back and rocked on the balls of my feet. “What’s your name?”

  She looked up at me again. There was a trace of fear in her light blue eyes. “It’s Amy,” she said softly. “What do you want?”

  “I just want to help out, Amy,” I told her. “How about letting me take a look at some of that evidence from the scene?”

  She laughed and shook her head. “No way,” she said quickly. “You bikers think you’re all so damn charming, but it isn’t gonna work on me.”

  I smiled widely at her and she froze for a minute. I could tell my grin had the intended effect; she looked completely disarmed. She wasn’t Angel, but she was still cute. And my magic still worked on her. “C’mon,” I said. “I’m not going to mess anything up. Hey, why don’t you come with me?” I grinned at her again. “Keep an eye on me, make sure I don’t tamper with anything.”

  She sighed. “I’m really not supposed to do that,” she said. “I could get in a lot of trouble.”

  “I promise I won’t give them any reason to be pissed at you,” I said. “In fact, you don’t even have to tell them. Our little secret.”

  She bit her lower lip. “Fine,” she said. “Come with me.”

  Amy walked in front of me, leading me to the back of the station. Almost everyone else had left for the day — the offices were locked and dark. She took a ring of keys from her belt and unlocked a heavy metal door.

  “Everything is in here,” she said. I followed her to a back cabinet. “We weren’t able to pull a ton from the scene, but there’s a gun here and some bloodied handkerchiefs.”

  My blood ran cold when I recognized the gun. “That belongs to Damien,” I said. “You see that metal design on the side?” The gun was emblazoned with a set of Steel Demons, in copper. “His MC is the Steel Demons,” I explained. “Someone gave him that gun when he was promoted to president.”

  Amy looked at me with her mouth open. I felt triumphant, like I’d just saved the day.

  “Anything else?” She was still gaping.

  “Nope,” I said smugly. “I think that’ll do just perfectly.”

  Chapter 12


  By late evening, I was dying to leave. Chuckie had finished his homework and gone to sleep hours ago, and I was feeling more restless than ever. Normally, I’d never leave Chuckie alone. But with Ram around, I felt pretty safe. I just had to distract him and then I’d be able to leave. I couldn’t wait to be alone with my own thoughts. Even though Trey hadn’t returned home yet, I felt crowded by his presence. The whole house screamed “Trey.” Every room smelled like his delicious, intoxicating scent. I could practically feel the grip of his strong hands on my body as I wandered from room to room, looking in but not really snooping.

  The whole house was spotlessly clean. I wondered if Trey paid for a cleaning service, or if maybe he was just a neat freak. I remembered that when we’d been kids, he’d always been embarrassed about the condition of his mother’s house. He’d never allowed me inside. We’d dated for a year, but he’d still never let me see his childhood bedroom.

  “Hey, Ram,” I called from the bathroom after I’d closed the door behind me. “You around?”

  There was the sound of footsteps and a gun clicking into place. I sighed. Sure enough, his voice boomed back.

  “Angel? Are you okay?”

  I looked down and sighed. “I’m fine, but I forgot something from home.”

  “I can’t let you leave.” Ram’s voice was loud from the other side of the door. “I’m sorry, Angel. It’s Trey’s orders.”

  “I got my period,” I said loudly. “I need to go buy some tampons.”

  “Can’t you just wait in the bathroom?” Ram sounded clueless.

  If I hadn’t been desperate to break out of the house, I would have laughed. “No,” I said in an exasperated voice. “I can’t. It’s uncomfortable, Ram. Besides, when is Trey coming home?”

  “No idea,” Ram said. “Do you want me to call him?”

  “No,” I said. Think, Angel. Think. “You know what, I think I’ll be okay,” I said. “I’m going to take a bath and relax. When Trey gets home, I’ll ask him to take me to the store.”

  Ram shifted his weight from foot to foot outside the door. “Okay, Angel,” he said. “I’ll be in the kitchen.”

  I held my breath until I heard him lumber back down the hallway. Score! Quickly, I dashed over to the bathroom window and flung it open. It would be a squeeze, but I could still slip outside.

  After a few minutes of wriggling and holding my breath, I fell the short distance onto the damp ground. Crickets were chirping but I instantly felt better. I decided I’d just take a little walk and then return. No need to freak Ram out if he discovered I was gone.

  Even though I was wearing jeans and a light sweater, there was a chill in the dark air. I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered. There was a little park not too far from here. I thought I’d go and sit on the swings for a few minutes until I’d managed to collect my thoughts. I already felt better now that I wasn’t around the house anymore.

  “Hey, lady,” a voice said in the dark. I jumped high in the air. “Remember me?”

  “No,” I said, backing away. Randy and Nick walked towards me out of the darkness, grinning like hyenas. “Help!” I yelled, my voice sounding shrill and scared. “Help! Trey! Ram! Help me!”

  “Baby, it’s gonna be better if you don’t fight,” Nick said. He leaned down and glared at me. “Grab her,” he said quickly to Randy.
r />   My body froze in panic and they came at me with astounding speed for their overweight bodies. Before I could even let out another shriek, Randy had grabbed me forcefully. I kicked out and he stumbled but he didn’t drop me. Nick grabbed my legs and they started carrying me over to their bikes.

  “Help!” I managed to scream before Randy clapped his hand over my mouth. I bit him but he slapped me hard and I was reduced to whimpering. A trickle of blood crept into my mouth and I tried to spit it out against his fingers.

  I was fighting hard to keep my eyes open and get Randy and Nick off of me when, suddenly, Randy dropped to the ground.

  “Fuck!” he howled.

  “What happened?” Nick was still holding onto my legs as I crashed onto the asphalt, landing hard. Before he could move, a pair of hands grabbed onto his arms and dragged him away.

  “Stay the fuck away from her,” a familiar voice growled.

  I shivered and finally looked up. Trey was standing there, at my feet, glaring down at me. Without warning he wound up and punched Randy hard in the mouth. Randy went down on the ground without a cry and Trey stood over his prone body, kicking and punching him.

  “What the fuck did I tell you assholes?” Trey hissed. He got in Nick’s face and swung, hitting him hard. Nick went down and Trey kicked him so hard in the stomach that I saw his body jerk and pulse off the ground. “Leave her the fuck alone! If you ever come back, I’ll kill you,” he added in a gruff voice. Spitting on Randy and Nick’s prone bodies, Trey walked over and pulled me off the ground.

  He cupped my chin with his hand and looked deeply into my eyes. I could feel that my lip was bloodied. When I leaned up to kiss him, it hurt, but I didn’t care. I kept my mouth pressed to Trey’s until his arms wrapped around me and carried me back to his bike.

  We didn’t talk on the ride home. I knew he was serious, that he wasn’t fooling. That everything he’d told me had been right. And I’d been the stupid one for not believing him.

  “Trey, I’m sorry,” I said softly after he’d let us into the foyer of his house. “I—”

  “Don’t talk right now,” Trey said. He held up a hand to silence me. The air between us was thick with tension. Our eyes were locked on each other’s. I could feel his gaze on me like a hot brand.

  “Come here,” I said softly.

  Trey stepped closer and I wrapped my body around his. The electricity jumped from his skin to mine, sending bolts of arousal and lust through my body. As our kiss deepened, I felt myself start to get wet until my panties were soaked. Trey ran his hands down my back and scooped me up. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me down the hallway. Before I could even process where he was taking me, he was throwing me down on a soft bed and tugging at my jeans. They slid off and instantly, Trey was between my legs, licking and sucking and nuzzling. I screamed with pleasure when his tongue hit my clit, not caring about Ram or Chuckie or anyone who could hear us.

  “I need you,” Trey growled. He crawled on top of my body and whipped his belt off, kicking his jeans down to his ankles. When he was clad only in boxers, he pressed his groin against mine. His erection was huge and stiff and I moaned softly as he slipped his hand up my sweater and yanked it over my head. The cool air in the bedroom felt delicious on my body and I shivered as he lowered his head to my breasts and began to suck and lick on my nipples. His teeth were just enough to send bolts of pleasure shooting through my body and I tangled my hands in his soft brown hair, desperate for more, desperate for him.

  Reaching down, I slid Trey’s boxers down his legs. He kicked them off and slapped the insides of my thighs. I spread my legs obediently and pulled him closer. When he was almost inside of me, I looked into his eyes. They were the same dark blue they’d always been, but now I was seeing him nakedly in a way that I never had before. I felt so exposed, so intimate; I couldn’t stand it.

  “I need you,” I whispered softly.

  Trey grabbed a hold of my hips and plunged inside of me. The feel of his cock sent me into spasms of pleasure and I arched my back and shrieked until his mouth came down on my nipples again, biting and tugging harder this time. The hot pulsing feeling in my lower belly started to build and build and I closed my eyes and screwed up my face. He felt so amazing, so encompassing, that I couldn’t believe we’d ever parted from each other. We belonged together.

  Trey started thrusting his hips faster and harder against me. Sweat was beading on his forehead and as he looked into my eyes, a drop landed from his skin against mine. I felt my orgasm build and build, until I was thrashing below him and screaming his name.

  “Angel,” Trey grunted into my neck.

  The intensity of his voice surprised me and I felt my eyes well up with unexpected tears. Being with Trey again was like coming home, like I’d never been apart from his side. The years melted as he slammed his body against mine until we were both hoarse and crying out from pleasure. His skin was so hot against mine than I felt like I was being burned.

  When it was over, Trey and I stayed locked together for a few heavy seconds. I had no idea what had just happened. I had no idea if I wanted it to happen again. But right there, in the moment, everything felt right in a way that it hadn’t felt for years.

  I love you. I didn’t dare say it, but as I looked at Trey’s sweaty body on top of mine, I hoped he knew.

  Chapter 13


  I couldn’t take it any longer. Couldn’t wait any more. Angel was mine, she’d always been mine, and I had to have her again. From the first moment I threw her down on the bed, I knew that, once again, she’d be mine. All mine. Angel lay back and looked up at me with her sparkly emerald eyes. She bit her lower lip and I felt my crotch seize with lust. My cock stiffened in my pants and I rubbed it suggestively and raised my eyebrows at Angel.

  She giggled and blushed and, for a moment, I saw the girl she’d been all those long years ago. Suddenly, the moment got more serious. Angel kept her gorgeous eyes trained on mine and suggestively ran her hands down her body. As she cupped her breasts, she closed her eyes and moaned softly. Her soft pale hands ran down her body and she slipped them between her legs, groaning softly and spreading her thighs wide. With a fierce growl, I tackled her back on the bed. When our mouths met, my teeth and lips pressed hard against hers until I tasted a little blood mingled with her saliva. She was so sweet, so delicious. I could smell the arousal wafting off of her in huge waves. Closing my eyes, I tangled my hands in her red hair and pressed her lips to mine over and over. Angel moaned softly in my mouth. Her soft hands slipped up my chest, giving me goose bumps. I saw her gape a little when she caught sight of all of my tattoos.

  I grinned at her. “I’ve gotten a little decoration,” I drawled. “I know I didn’t used to look this way.”

  Angel flushed again and I had the urge to yank her head back and suck on her neck until she was whimpering with desire. “You’re gorgeous,” she said demurely in the same voice she used to use when we had been together all those years ago. “I love the way you look, Trey.”

  Hearing Angel say my name set fire to my loins. Reaching forward, I pinched her nipples until she was screaming. Angel lay back and closed her eyes as I took one of them into my mouth. Her skin was so soft that it made my head spin. She tasted like sugar and strawberries and musk and I wanted to run my tongue over her whole body until we were both spent and crying.

  “I need you,” Angel said in a hoarse voice.

  As I stroked and caressed her tits, she writhed on the bed and tangled her hands in my hair. I shivered as she tugged gently; it felt so good that my balls were aching.

  “I need you,” I growled in return.

  Angel let out a little cry of delight and I used my fingernails to scratch tracks down her delicate tummy. From where I crouched between her thighs, I could smell the warm scent of Angel’s arousal wafting towards me. It was just as sweet and musky as I’d remembered, and I closed my eyes and shoved my face in her crotch. Angel gasped and tried to wriggle away
but I wrapped my arms around her ass and held her firm, inhaling until my lungs hurt. She smelled so good. I wanted to lick her pussy for hours, until the juices were running down my face and neck. Angel had always loved it when I went down on her — she made these sexy noises and lost all control of her body. Even though she’d always try to push me away at first, after a few minutes her pussy would be slammed against my face, smothering me with her delicious sex.

  Despite having a kid, she still had a perfect body. She looked older, but no less attractive than she’d been to me eight years ago. I stroked her thighs with my fingertips. She giggled and tried closing her legs but I placed my hands on the insides of her knees and spread them firmly. She was so close, I could almost taste her, almost feel her. She was so close to being mine once again.

  As I sucked her clit, Angel gasped and dug her hands into my shoulders. Her nails sent shivers of pain and pleasure through my body and I arched my back, shoving my nose right into her swollen little clit. Slipping a finger inside her pussy, I licked at her damp labia, brushing my fingers against her inner walls until she was shrieking with desire. I always knew Angel’s body, always knew what she wanted.